
Thursday, October 13, 2011


西班牙面临经济社会双重压力非美货币齐涨 和讯外汇消息 10月14日,美元指数下跌,非美货币上涨。美元指数已跌破上升通道,预计非美货币还会在有利于解决欧债危机的消息面下继续上涨。 美国联邦储备委员会9月份会议纪要显示经济面临下行风险,令美元承压,而投资 ... 西班牙面临经济社会双重压力非美货币齐涨


Domestic Recently, the provincial CPPCC held a "positive response to population aging" sector feelings wisdom forum, Health, Family Planning Commission, Social Security, the Cultural Revolution, women's federations and other units, and a number of provincial CPPCC members to make recommendations. Investigation by the provincial CPPCC members, and now the majority of pension institutions are not standardized, small-scale facilities are backward, service ...Domestic

UNHCR reduces Kenya aid operation after MSF abductions

UNHCR reduces Kenya aid operation after MSF abductions The aid operation near the Kenya-Somalia border has been scaled back after the abduction of two women aid workers, a UN spokesman told the BBC. All non-life-saving activities have been suspended, but the distribution of water, food and medical services ... UNHCR reduces Kenya aid operation after MSF abductions

European Chamber of Commerce today released proposals for 2011-2012

European Chamber of Commerce today released proposals for 2011-2012 European Chamber of Commerce (ECCT) this afternoon released the year 2011-2012 proposals that make progress in Taiwan, from that of "competitiveness", the "demographic" and "sustainable development" three areas of action. In the competitive part of the European Chamber of Commerce vice president of Nisshin Hu pointed out that Taiwan has so far failed to adopt international standards, and the EU signed the "Free Trade Agreement," and not lifted for about 2100 Chinese ...European Chamber of Commerce today released proposals for 2011-2012

George Yanagi's death

George Yanagi's death Rock singer George Yoo (Ji and Nagiji Yo, real name George Yu) Mr. 10, died in end-stage renal disease. He was 63. The funeral is finished with relatives. Born in Yokohama. Known for singing cool blues influences. After the Golden Cups, the mid-1970s, "George and Willow ...George Yanagi's death


动荡与救赎 CDS,信贷违约掉期,英文Credit Default Swap,一种为保护信贷合约违约的衍生品,因为被认为是引发了2007年开始的国际金融危机的元凶,而成为"过街老鼠"。随着美国、欧洲各国主权评级不断被下调及欧债危机愈演愈烈 ... 动荡与救赎

Indeed, the U.S. judge said Samsung flat-panel Apple patent infringement

Indeed, the U.S. judge said Samsung flat-panel Apple patent infringement Thomson Reuters reports, San Jose, California United States Federal Court Judge Lucy Koh 13 at the hearing that Samsung (Samsung) "Galaxy" did violate Apple tablet (Apple Inc.) Patents. As Taipei time at 8:10 on the 14th so far, Samsung Electronics fell 0.90 percent, to 882,000 won; earlier falling as low as 871,000 won. Koh said she would not based on specific ...Indeed, the U.S. judge said Samsung flat-panel Apple patent infringement

bankers blast EU capital plan

bankers blast EU capital plan GERMAN bankers railed against European Union proposals that would force the Continent's banks to raise capital and further write down the value of Greek debt on their books, arguing that the moves themselves could force the sort of financial crisis ... bankers blast EU capital plan

Ai Weiwei's most influential artists Ying ball

Ai Weiwei's most influential artists Ying ball [Ming Pao] was not the British mainland is not renowned artist Ai magazine "Art Observation" (Art Review) as the annual art world's 100 most influential people in the first place, he was ranked No. 13 last year. "Art Watch" editor of La Porte (Mark Rappolt) said Ai Weiwei make people aware of the art gallery and museum space is not limited, but can be extended to the political sphere, while the top ...Ai Weiwei's most influential artists Ying ball


中化国际收到火灾赔款5770万 据悉,2010年6月公司存放热塑丁苯橡胶存货的仓库北京燕房华兴仓储有限公司仓库发生火灾。公司于2010年9月向太平洋财产保险递交了正式索赔函。因理赔时间和理赔结果存在不确定性,公司董事会同意对上述存货价值确定为 ... 中化国际收到火灾赔款5770万

Split Screen: The Social Battlefield

Split Screen: The Social Battlefield Despite the impressive graphics and physics, one of Battlefield 3's most noteworthy features is its social network. It would be difficult to overstate the degree of excitement around the impending release of Battlefield 3. There is a lot to be excited ... Split Screen: The Social Battlefield

[02:56] EFSF pass the EU will work to implement

[02:56] EFSF pass the EU will work to implement (Central News Agency correspondents in Brussels 14 Caoyu Fan Reuters) Slovak Parliament approved the expansion of the European financial? Setting mechanism (EFSF) privileges, President of the Council of Europe complete range of macro and European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso issued a joint statement said the master, in line with the euro area 17 Member States have common interests. The bill pass through Congress, 11 in Slovakia failed to vote today for the first time 2 back to 114 votes ...[02:56] EFSF pass the EU will work to implement

不甘心被边缘化 外资虎视中国商用车市场

不甘心被边缘化 外资虎视中国商用车市场 9月,大众汽车集团完成了对全球商用车巨头曼公司的收购,导致全球商用车市场的竞争格局随之改变。市场格局的变化,显示出商用车这一行业的竞争正在加剧。与乘用车不同,在中国市场上,本土商用车占据市场的绝对优势。面 ... 不甘心被边缘化 外资虎视中国商用车市场

Protesters suspicious of plan to clean up NYC park

Protesters suspicious of plan to clean up NYC park By VERENA DOBNIK and MEGHAN BARR , 10.13.11, 12:21 PM EDT NEW YORK -- Protesters expressed fears Thursday that a scheduled cleanup of the private park where they've been camped out near Wall Street is merely a ploy to unravel the demonstration. ... Protesters suspicious of plan to clean up NYC park

Ya Liang summary of expert face-lift surgery make you into a beautiful little face (Figure)

Ya Liang summary of expert face-lift surgery make you into a beautiful little face (Figure) Now the popular beautiful little face, so face-lift method of beauty who became the most attention. Korean face-lift so what method? Beijing Ya Liang Medical Beauty Hospital, said the experts, Korean face-lift with liposuction face-lift face-lift injection of two ways. Korean face-lift and small amount of bleeding, shorter operative time, recovery ...Ya Liang summary of expert face-lift surgery make you into a beautiful little face (Figure)

Депресираният Коце Стоянов в групата на ЦСКА

Депресираният Коце Стоянов в групата на ЦСКА Защитникът на ЦСКА Костадин Стоянов попадна в групата на ЦСКА за предстоящия двубоя срещу Славия. Дербито от деветия кръг на първенството е тази събота от 18 часа на стадион "Българска армия". Същият Стоянов напусна лагера на националния отбор преди ... Депресираният Коце Стоянов в групата на ЦСКА

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